Start improving code quality today

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By default, we only ask for public repo access.
We do not ask for any code access

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Compliance made easy

Your code never enters our servers. We collect no usage data, personal data, or similar. We sell software, not data.
Read about our code privacy efforts here.

Invite your entire team

All plans (including free) offer unlimited collaborators at no extra charge. You can invite your entire engineering department, HR, and even your family.

Track progress, anywhere

The dashboard contains various coverage graphs to measure progress, and you can even add them to your own dashboard with our API to share with your team outside OtterWise.

Onboarding assistance

All paid plans include priority chat support, and we can help you get running even if you have no CI pipeline yet.

Tailored to your workflow

OtterWise is built for any use case. You can configure which files to ignore, when to fail CI, how to calculate coverage, and much more.

Proactive risk identification

With per-line Code Coverage, type coverage, mutation coverage, and much more, OtterWise will enhance the reliability of your codebase.